Dinghushan Forest Ecosystem Research Station, CAS
Dinghushan Forest Ecosystem Research Station (hereafter referred to as DHS) is located in Dinghushan Natural Reserve (112o30’39’’-112o33’41’’E, 23o09’21’’-23o11’30’’N), with an area of 1,133 ha and an elevation ranging from 10 to 1,000 m above sea level. The region is characterized by a typical south subtropical monsoon climate, with annual average precipitation of 1,950 mm, of which nearly 70% falls from April to September and 30% from October to March. The annual mean temperature is 20.8oC, and relative humidity is 80%. The predominant soil types are lateritic red-earth in the lower altitude region and yellow earth in the higher altitude region. Favored by the subtropical monsoon climate and long history of protection, DHS has well protected monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest and its successional forests. Therefore, DHS is an ideal place to research successional processes and patterns of subtropical forest ecosystems, as well as to restore or rehabilitate the degraded forest ecosystems in subtropics of China.
DHS was established in 1978, it became a member of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), CAS in 1991. DHS was selected as pilot station of National Field Research Station network running by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China in 1999. DHS joined in China Fluxnet, CAS and the Regional Atmospheric Observation Network, CAS in 2002 and 2003, respectively.
Research work in DHS is based on study of successional processes, patterns and functions in subtropical forest ecosystems, and to discuss its biodiversity mechanism of origin, maintenance and development thus to guide natural reserve management. Research goals of the station are to advance the basic understanding of the successional processes and dynamics of typical forests in lower subtropical region; to find out carbon (C), nitrogen (N), H2O, and phosphorus (P) cycles and their interactions in subtropical forests in respond to global changes; to detect relationships between forest succession dynamics and environmental changes; to provide scientific references for evaluation and sustainable management of subtropical forests; to accumulate basic information on subtropical forest ecosystems for the national ecological research network; to enhance understanding of the ecological functions of subtropical forest ecosystems for policy makers. Research progresses in DHS experienced 4 stages with respect of research areas and goals showed as background investigation stage; vegetation structure, dynamics, biomass and productivity research stage; ecosystem patterns and functions research stage; ecosystem processes, interactions, and responses to global change research stage.
DHS has a long history of filed observation and data collection. Majority of filed observation was manual work at the beginning of the station established. Field works including continuous climatic and forest hydrological observations, and periodic vegetation and soil investigations. The earliest vegetation investigation was carried out in 1955, and the earliest forest meteorological observation was started in 1965. Complete background investigation was not carried out till the DHS was established in 1978. Systematic environmental monitoring was carrying through since 1991. Long-term biological, soil, climatic, and hydrological observations were carried in DHS according to the mission of CERN since 1991. Currently, long-term field observations in DHS are under the missions of CERN, National Filed Research Station Network, China Fluxnet, andRegional Atmospheric Observation Network. Besides, long-term experiments such as simulated nitrogen deposition, phosphorus fertilization, simulated acid deposition, carbon nitrogen interaction experiment, coarse woody debris decomposition, precipitation impact on soil respiration and displacement experiments within forest ecosystems were carried out in DHS. At present, a complete data management system and sharing platform was established. It is easy to browse and query through internet worldwide(http://dhf.cern.ac.cn). Data sharing is achieved with the respect of the data sharing protocol in CERN.
More than 1,000 research papers including over 350 SCI papers, and more than 30 monographs were published by DHS since 1978. The first volume of “Tropical and Subtropical Forest Ecosystem Research” was published in 1981, and nine volumes have been published by 2006. DHS established long-term cooperation with more than 20 countries. Research results were awarded by State, Guangdong Province, State Environmental Protection Administration of China, respectively.Up to date, DHS was awarded as an excellent station for three consecutive terms of five years (2001-2005、2006-2010 and 2011-2015) by CERN, CAS.One of research results “Old-growth forests can accumulate carbon in soils”was published on Science(Vol 314, 1417 December 1, 2006). This result was one of major scientific achievements in CAS in 2006. It was also included as one of “Top Ten Events in China's Basic Research” in 2006.
There are 15 employees in DHS including 10 researchers and 5 technicians. All of researchers have PhD degrees and four of them are PhD advisors. There are also 3 visiting researchers and 22 graduate students who are associated the station.
Director: Prof. Dr. ZHOU Guoyi
Deputy Director: Prof. ZHANG Deqiang
Technicians: ZHANG Qianmei (Senior Engineer/ Secretary), LIU Shizhong (Senior Engineer),CHU Guowei(Senior Engineer), MENG Ze (Technician)
Telephone: +86-20-37252615
Email: zqm@scbg.ac.cn